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Slum Lords

Slum Lords is an absurd dark comedy about the deranged billionaire Von Clapp twins, forced to survive one full year of poverty in the dangerous streets of Low Town before inheriting their family empire.

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Von Clapp

Hamilton is pure ID.
He's crass, perverse, and obnoxious, but has a boyish charm that keeps it entertaining. He is a remorseless tornado ruining everything and everyone in his path. A diabolical schemer and a cunning strategist. Hamilton will stoop to any depth to get what he wants.

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Von Clapp

Henrietta is pure EGO.
Her feigned compassion and misguided charity comes from a pathological need for the love and validation that her money can't buy. The well being of others is not nearly as important to her as their gratitude for her selfless actions.

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Von clapp

Grandfather is a cruel and ancient man. Twisted by age and bedridden with disease, this nightmarish Howard Hughes rules his empire with an iron fist. Miserable and calculating, the only pleasure he takes is in the further humiliation of his grandchildren.

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Prevslav "Baxter" Glasnovic

A dignified and dour giant, "Baxter" has been the Von Clapp Estate Head Butler for over thirty years of indentured servitude. Baxter has solemnly endured the cruelty of Grandfather and the temperamental whims of the Twins for far too long.

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Low Town

It's dirty, dangerous, dilapidated, and drowning in the saturated hues of a 70's Italian horror film.  
**FUN FACT: Low Town's sister city is a four mile wide patch of garbage floating off the coast of Mumbai!

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The Rusty Crown

Once a decadent playground for the glitterati of the past, now a derelict sanctuary from the anarchic streets of Low Town. Much like the ghosts that roam through the walls, Hamilton and Henrietta seem doomed to wander its hallways forever.


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